. . . of Love
This week began with an offering of love to all of you. That offering continues. The amazingly cool thing about love is the more you give the more you have. It is not a finite resource. That said, there is a subtlety that when you give love to others expecting something in return, it does not usually yield the same results. Especially if your expectations were not met.
We want to feel love in our hearts before we give yet sometimes that peace and love in your own heart can seem hard to come by. Our ego (mind) tells us we need something we are not getting, we deserve something we don’t have, and so on. We feel reticent to give when we feel we are lacking. So we have a pity party in our heads.
A way out of the mind trap is to remember it is just your brain doing it’s thing. Brains (egos) think. That is what they do. Do something to get out of your headspace and be in the present moment. Meditate, take your dog for a walk, take a bath, read inspirational literature, listen to an uplifting TED talk or YouTube video, call a friend (but don’t talk about your problem. Try instead to reminisce about something fun the pair of you did together.), or anything else you have identified to help you leave your thoughts and join the present. Keep experimenting on things that help you remain present. Make a mental note of it so you can use it when you need it.
Love is abundant, you will never run out. Give and receive it freely.