The topic of appreciation has been visited often in this blog. Today we are going in to look at appreciation as a tool to adjust our attitudes. When we are feeling blue, disgruntled, entitled, or any emotion that is not pleasant, take a minute to think of what is going right…
Tag: happiness
How Awful. . .Or Is It?
So many times we have experiences that we do not like. We tell ourselves and others stories about our bad events. “Can you believe my girl or boyfriend dumped me?”, “My boss is a real jerk”, “I got into a fight with my friend and s/he really hurt my feelings”,…
That Feels Selfish!
Oprah encourages us to live our best life, people tell us to have boundaries where we put ourselves first, others tell us we have to let our loved ones struggle through their problems yet be there to encourage and support. All of this may feel like we are acting selfish….
I Didn’t Even Know I Missed It
Lately, I have been experimenting with suspending expectations of my day. Instead, I reflect upon what actually did happen in the day. Our expectations can influence what we see in our lives. For example, I am an exceptionally organized person. When something is out of place, even six inches to…
More Patience, Less Stress
“When I run after what I think I want my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me and without pain.” Rumi This notion could not feel more true especially when in transition. Many of…
Magic Monday- Grumpy
When you notice that you are getting grumpy, stop and consider the cause. When you think you know the source of the discomfort ask yourself if you are making excuses or taking responsibility. When we take responsibility we have more control over the situation.
Seeing Through Others Eyes
Recently I had the pleasure of showing off my town to someone who has never been to the valley in which I live. It was so fun to plan different places to visit based on her likes and requests. In fact, we were able to not only travel all around…
Falling in Love with Yourself
The longest, most primary relationship we will ever have is with ourselves. We are often the most critical, cruel, uncaring and neglectful in this relationship than in any other. We would never treat our loved ones, coworkers or acquaintances the way we treat ourselves. If we did, they would leave…
Embrace the New
Life changes all day every day. We are not the same person we were yesterday. We are changed by our daily experiences. If we are observant we can be even more affected by everyday situations and interactions. When we focus on seeing the positive each day we start to train…
Magic Monday – Embrace the New
Our life can change quickly and dramatically. Usually when someone says this, there has been a tragedy. That does not have to always have to be the case. Notice how your life is changing either significantly or slightly. Is this new direction helping you become a better you? How…