Recently I had the pleasure of showing off my town to someone who has never been to the valley in which I live. It was so fun to plan different places to visit based on her likes and requests. In fact, we were able to not only travel all around the town and surrounding areas we also ventured to some beautiful hot springs in the hills about an hour away. The experience was fantastic. A large part was the friend I toured, she is great in so many ways. What I noticed most was how she saw my homeland. She would make observations that I had not considered in a long time, if ever. It was such a neat experience to see my world through another person’s eyes. The weekend ended with a new appreciation for both her and my home.
When was the last time you observed something through someone else’s perspective? It can make the mundane new and fresh. We can do this every day by listening to other’s viewpoints, thoughts, ideas and dreams. Listening to another person can bring a sense of connection that we all need as humans.We tend to feel closer to the people whom we feel really listen to us and try to understand our world. Take some time, if you will, to really try to see the world through someone else’s eyes. See how you feel about them and their ideas. A little more understanding and compassion in this world is always welcome.
I am that friend! I as well want to share about the special warmth experienced when a person takes the time to share an aspect of their life with you. I only hope that I can as well be that gracious to share my time with another, as I was shared with. The gift of time, heart, and space. Priceless.