How do you use your emotions to your advantage?
What if we used our emotions as guides? When we are upset, more than the situation warrants, perhaps we need to re-evaluate how we perceive the situation. My favorite example, to which many can relate, is driving in a car and another driver pulls in front of your vehicle. For some, this is a fact and nothing more is considered. For others, rage ensues. As the rageful person listens to their inner dialogue it is probably filled with words such as should “S/he shouldn’t drive that way”, along with judgement (what a terrible driver), and expectations (they should be considerate of everyone else on the road, especially me). There are many different versions of this impairing dialogue. Instead, change what you are telling yourself. Try a story about how lucky you are to be behind this driver and thankful there was not an accident. Perhaps you can send good thoughts to the driver hoping s/he gets to their destination safely. Any story that is void of criticism, shoulds and oughts is much more empowering for the storyteller.
The beautiful thing about our emotions is they give us insight into the thoughts we are having at any given moment. Sometimes we are unaware of our thoughts. These thoughts are so automatic we just react without thinking. Our emotions help clue us into what we are telling ourselves. Something important to consider, thoughts are not facts.
Let your emotions guide you. Adjust your inner dialogue toward thoughts that evoke feeling empowered, kind and in control of you. You got this!!
This is spot on, I am practicing right now!