Much like the ocean, there are high tides and low tides in life.These natural changes to the activity in your life can be interpreted many different ways. The power comes in understanding what is happening.
In high tide, there is more activity in your life. We can feel pulled by the perceived necessity to have to get things done. It can feel like life is living you and you have less control. We are not at our best when we operate from this hurried state. Recognize there is more activity in your life but don’t get swept away by it. Set limits, take care of yourself, try to refrain from exacerbating the frenzy by telling yourself you are stressed, find your calm and operate from there. This time will pass so do your best to enjoy it while it lasts. Go surfing!
When it passes, sometimes the ebbs can be uncomfortable because you are use to a much faster pace. Try again to recognize that this can be a time to regroup, refresh, rest, reflect and appreciate. This feeling is often noticed when going on vacation. The vacation pace is much slower than the daily pace. To ease the contrast people tend to fill their vacation days with activities scheduled from morning to night. Granted, there is much to see and do when in a new location, but perhaps some rest may be helpful. Practice being more present on vacation so you can really experience the new local. Smell the roses!
Young people can struggle with adjusting to the flow. If you have young people in your life this is your time to model how to do it with peace and pizzazz.