Starting at birth we were taught the rules of our families and our culture. Some of these rules were explicit but many were learned through observation, trial and error and reward and punishment. We often learn and repeat what our family passed down from their experiences in life. This is often done without consideration or contemplation. They become beliefs without question. Beliefs are stories we keep telling ourselves. When our beliefs are challenged, they either are changed to adopt a new way of thinking or they are strengthened. They feel more true than ever because you have examined why you think what you think. Be aware of just continuing the same story because it is what you believe to be true. This is different than examining why you believe those ideas and the consequences of said beliefs.
We don’t tend to question these core beliefs often. Actually, we are rarely aware of them at all. When we are hurting or struggling with a difficult situation we find ourselves in, that is when we are encouraged and willing to consider alternate beliefs. We are willing because the pain and suffering is becoming unbearable.
A more proactive way of examining personal beliefs is through learning. When we learn about other cultures, it has a unique way of  illuminating our own beliefs. The culture can even be as specific as a friends traditions, thoughts and beliefs.
I have the good fortune to participate in a monthly book club. Our books center around the notion of happiness. The discoveries each of us make in our book club have been illuminating and belief changing. It has been a fun way to question and change beliefs toward a more empowered, loving way of believing.
How will you challenge your beliefs? Book club? Travel? Classes?
Please share ways you have changed your beliefs.