The longest, most primary relationship we will ever have is with ourselves. We are often the most critical, cruel, uncaring and neglectful in this relationship than in any other. We would never treat our loved ones, coworkers or acquaintances the way we treat ourselves. If we did, they would leave us or the would be other uncomfortable consequences.
Despite all this, our bodies and our minds work hard for us each and everyday. We criticize our bodies when they save energy through fat tissue. It is just doing what it is programmed to do. When it has excess, it saves it for a day when it might not have enough (think hunter gatherer days). How cool is that? Instead, we criticize ourselves for weighing too much and not meeting the “ideal” body image.
We are also so verbally abusive to ourselves. What good does that do? We feel better when we are treated with love and compassion. When replaying scenarios in our heads where we we harshly criticize ourselves, what if we are kind instead. Rather than the shoulda, woulda, couldas try to notice what went right. What have you improved upon over the years. Are you better able to stand up for yourself? Are you better able to respond in tense situations? Are you kind when you really want to be mean to “that” person?
Today let’s start anew! Think of ways you would treat the person you love most in the world and start treating yourself that way. Encourage rather than discourage. Compliment rather than criticize. Reward rather than punish. Give yourself some kudos. Be your own best friend. You are a great person, it is about time you treat yourself accordingly.